Saturday, December 19, 2009



1) He's come here to stay for a couple of weeks or so. Somehow, I'm his new master. Not my brothers. Not my parents. And I have no idea why. Was kinda flattering at first, with him following me around everywhere, whining everytime I go to the bathroom, and insisting on sleeping with me every night. But now it's getting real annoying cuz I keep having to beware of not tripping over him whenever I go anywhere. Oh yeah, and I've gotta walk him too. Like about twice a day. And let me tell you, picking up dog poo is no fun thing. It stinks. Not eating any meal immediately before is a serious precaution you might consider undertaking if you wanna keep what's inside your stomach down there. But I love him. I seriously do. Well, maybe just cuz he reminds me of Snow Ball. They were both Japanese Spitzs. It's been six years since I parted from Snow Ball. And I still miss him like hell. I guess I better prepare for another heartbreak when Hero's owner comes back.
2) A funny incident occured yesterday. I went out with Charmaine. So we were walking about looking for "nice" clothes. Then somehow I was lagging behind. Then being blur, she reached out an arm to sling it around the shoulders of the person next to her. Which turned out to be a complete stranger. And that woman gave her this blank "are you kidding me" look. Aghast, Charmaine hurriedly mumbled an apology and snatched her arm back from the shark's jaws, rushing to hide her face behind my back. HAHAHAHA. We burst into laughter after that. The woman just stared at us as we walked away. Haha. And I thought embarassing stuffs only happen to me. Heehee!
3) Despite my protests and wise advice, she paid a whooping 55 bucks for just a trim. And guess what. She agreed that I was right after all when it was all over. It took one hour just for them to wash and blow dry her hair. Alright, perhaps her long hair does call for a longer time than mine to wash, but not that long! And then it took another hour for the guy to trim her hair. No, I'm not exaggerating. It was about 5.45pm when we started, and 7.45pm when we ended. My butt hurt a lot. Seriously. And the deceptively comfy sofa was actually a ticking time bomb for a completely devastating neck, shoulder and backache. And I totally liked her hair better from before rather than after the haircut. I was glaring at the guy who trimmed her hair. It was like he took several tries just to get a swath of hair he wanted to work on, and then snipped at it. Then he gathered another swath of hair and corrected the mistake he made, because of the snip he made in another part of the head before which made a dent in the straight cut. This repeated several dozen times. Which occupied the better of one solid hour. I was bored to death. But anyway, amidst her profused attempts at a heartfelt and sincere apology later, I told her that at least I got to watch a two-hour long movie like I wanted after all - that of watching her hair being cut. Hehe...