Wednesday, December 30, 2009


LOVE and then... BETRAYAL

That's right. I've experienced it. And let me tell you, it HURTS like hell. So what's this all about?

It happened about 3 weeks ago. When he came to live with us for a couple of weeks. It was love at first sight. Nah. Not really. Haha. We met a few times before. So it wasn't a new face for me or him. So I came home one day and found him greeting me at the door with much enthusiasm.

He tagged along after me everywhere I went. We would take walks every morning and I would watch him eat and drink. Really, he was such a darling. He only had eyes for me. I grew so attached to him. So much so that I thought of him every single minute I was out of the house. And somehow... I knew it was dangerous. I knew this blissful happiness wouldn't - couldn't - last forever. But I kept pushing it to the back of my mind. I didn't want to think of it. But you can't stop time ticking away.

Then she came. His ex, you could say. At first, he didn't even recognize her - let alone see her. Knowing the unevitable had come to pass, I walked with him right up to her. One second, he was still staring at me with blind devotion - the next, he was all hers. He ran to meet her embrace. I just stood like a spectator at the side. The scene happening in front of me... was painful to watch. We then took the lift together. He was still hugging her. But he kept turning his head around to give me the guilty looks.

As if they said: She's my real owner. The owner to my soul. I'm sorry.

Thereafter, it was like I never existed in his world. He stucked to her like a dust ball. Every now and then (too rare it seems) he would come over to where I was a give me a hesitant lick. He knew I was pissed off. He knew I was jealous. But he also knew where his true loyalties lie. With her. And I felt betrayed. I thought 2 weeks should have been enough to at least gain a PERMANENT bond. 2 weeks don't sound much, but if you spend as much time together as we had, it would have meant something. Right?

I never should have trusted him. My heart hurts. It hurts as if it had been smashed to a thousand piece, glued clumsily together, and then smashed again. And it still does now. But did I cry? No. I will not cry over this. Not over a stupid dog.